How Long Does It Take to Build Muscle By Steven Spilly

Building muscles can be a tricky process. But with the right guidance and dedication, you can achieve wonders. Rome wasn’t built in a day and likewise, you can’t build your muscles by following all the right tips in just one day. It requires perseverance and a lot of patience. If you sincerely dedicate your energy towards muscle building then no one in the world can stop you from achieving your goal. 


Steven Spilly loves to build muscles as he is a highly dedicated gym enthusiast. When it comes to building muscles, various factors play a role in deciding how much time it will take to build your muscles. These factors have been discussed in detail in this blog article. There is no single rigid timeline and no one-word answer to how long it takes to build muscles but as long as you are dedicated to building muscles you can achieve your goal. 



Factors that Affect the Timeline of Muscle Building



  • Amount of Protein Intake

All macronutrients such as carbohydrates and fats have a role to play when it comes to muscle building but the role of protein is the most crucial. Muscles require an adequate amount of protein intake to repair themselves from strength training. If you don’t have a protein-rich diet, then your muscle growth can get stagnated as well. 


  • Amount of Calorie Intake

An adequate number of calories daily is essential for muscle growth. It is quite obvious that to build muscles, your body needs to create new tissues, and doing so requires a lot of calories. Protein is essential but it’s not enough when it comes to building muscles. The reason why many people give up on muscle growth is that they don’t want to deal with extra body fat.


  • Amount of Sleep

Sleep is a necessary aspect when it comes to building muscles. If you don’t get an adequate amount of sleep, i.e., 8 hours of sleep, your body would trigger the release of cortisol hormone which would degrade muscle growth. Our body repairs and builds muscles when we are asleep and that is why having an adequate amount of sleep is necessary for building and maintaining muscles. 


  • Lifting Routine

If you’re willing to do what it takes to build muscles then there are two key concepts of strength training, namely, frequency and volume. Frequency refers to how frequently you train your muscles whereas volume refers to the total load that your muscles take. Higher levels of volume and frequency mean more muscle building unless you are overtraining. 


  • Training Age

The higher your training age or the more advance your experience is, the lesser will be the muscle growth. It sounds quite contradictory, but it’s a fact. Each of us comes with our genetic potential of growing muscles and the closer we get to that point, the harder it is to build muscles.


  • Biological Age

Lastly, your age plays a crucial role in determining your muscle growth. As we age, it becomes harder to build muscles. A huge problem in older adults is sarcopenia or the loss of muscle mass and function. Other factors include your genetic potential to grow muscles, your testosterone levels, your gender, and hormones such as insulin and human growth hormone. 


Keeping all the factors in mind, an average human being would take about six to eight weeks to build muscles. If you’re a true beginner, you might see results in just as little as six weeks from the day you start your strength training. If you’re an advanced lifter, you might see results in six to eight weeks. 

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